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Iqbal Sami

Iqbal Sami

TB Hospital Sardogha, Pakistan

Title: Role of treatment supporter in control of T.B through T.B control program working in district Sargodha Punjab Pakistan


Biography: Iqbal Sami


Objectives: To evaluate the role of treatment supporter and their impact on patient treatment come out.

Material/Methods: The study was a cross sectionals survey in the routine T.B control program operational context. 200 smears positive. T.B patient were diagnosed and registered in T.B hospital Sargodha in one year 2016. With available come out were included in the study.

Results: The majority of patients (95%) were provided the treatment supporter, most of treatment supporter were (60%) LHW (9%) are community volunteers and (28%) are family members and (3%) are health facility worker. A total of 87% categorized as treatment success and (4%) transferred out (3.5%) expired and (4.5%) defaulted and 1% treatment failure.

Conclusion: The overall treatment success rate was (87%) and significantly high treatment success rate was (90%) in patient supervised by LHW compared to other patients.